How to get approval of Crypto Ads or Bitcoin Ads through Cloaking?

How to get approval of Crypto Ads or Bitcoin Ads through Cloaking?

cryptocurrency ads or bitcoin ads through cloaking

Do you have a cryptocurrency and want to trade by advertising through crypto ads? We got you covered. Although bots strictly scan cryptocurrency ads, we still have a reliable and authentic solution to approve your restricted bitcoin-related ads through CLOAKING. Read this article to know more in detail.



What Are Crypto Ads?

Cryptocurrency is a digital payment that does not require any banking method. Due to its transfer system, it is a high-risk investment, which is why it is rare among people. But, there is an online appearance of cryptocurrency. Many online brokers and crypto exchanges exist that offer stock and exchange facilities for crypto. Many high-class businesses also trade in bitcoin and cryptocurrency. These businesses, brokers, and bitcoin exchanges require bitcoin advertising to reach the people who want to invest in and stock the cryptocurrency.

So, cryptocurrency ads focus on the crypto sites, the latest news, and ups and downs in crypto exchange to make people aware.


Why Are Crypto Ads Ban On Different Social Platforms

Advertisement of crypto on different social media platforms is a very hard task due to some restricted policies. Trading in cryptocurrency is banned in different countries, making it a controversial topic. Different social media platforms (Google, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube) apply strict policies to cryptocurrency-related ads. But still, some businesses have cryptocurrency in their hands and want to trade in bitcoin and crypto. These policies are affecting their business.


Keeping in mind these difficulties for the businesses,” Cloaking Ads” is offering cloaking systems to get approval for bitcoin ADS.

Wonder to know what Cloaking is? Here is a complete detail for your understanding so that you can choose your cloaking partner for your bitcoin Ad campaign.


What is Cloaking?

Cloaking is a procedure to send ambiguous information about content to the scanners and Ad crawlers so that they cannot find any restricted content on the page. This procedure prevents them from detecting content against their advertisement policies. Meantime, maintaining a different landing page simultaneously with user advertisement content is the main part of cloaking.


How Cloaking works To Run A Crypto Or Bitcoin Ad

Cloaking uses end-user and non-end-user techniques. For this , specific URL, programming, codes, and search engine optimization process is used. In addition, Cloaking controls the view of Ad campaign content so that only real end users with the same search history can see this.

An ad tag is the most crucial part of cloaking, where we set programming in such a way that the codes of the sites for ads are legit to the scanners while executing everything to the users.

Cloaking hides the publisher’s identity using different codes, URLs, and software. In this way, bitcoin ads prevent the scanning process of ad bots and are visible only to the targeted audience.


Crypto Ad On Google

Google imposed a ban on bitcoin ads back in 2018. But, observing the interest of different investors, they revised their rules in August 2022. So now, Google has allowed these ads, but with certain conditions. If any ad does not follow their policy, Google will ban your Ad.

So, a bitcoin ad on Google requires strong skills in keywords, accurate and authentic information, and strong programming skills. We are providing you with all these services.


Crypto Ad On Facebook

If you want to run your crypto ad on Facebook, you have to check whether you are on the list of countries with a license from Facebook to run crypto Ads. After that, you have to apply through an application to Facebook, which their bots will review, and then you will be allowed to run the ad.


Crypto Ad on Youtube

Youtube videos about crypto are the best way to teach people about bitcoin trading at the right time. On YouTube, different companies are already working on running ads about cryptocurrency. But just like Google and Facebook, Youtube has some restrictions that Cloaking can only overcome.


Crypto Ad On TikTok

TikTok is the most popular short video platform. So, advertising on TikTok can reach your content to anybody very easily. However, due to the constant pressure from the UK financial conduct authority, TikTok has alerted all users not to post any crypto content on TikTok.

Cloaking Ads allow you to post your crypto ads on TikTok as well.


Our Verdict

Over time, cryptocurrency has become a hot topic. And that time is not far away when all the big social media platforms will allow you to post crypto ads, and you will see bitcoin ads everywhere.

Dealing with crypto is a good strategy. Most people get benefits from trading in cryptocurrency. But scamming companies and scamming ads on social media platforms have staked their reputations, and they banned bitcoin ads.


Some traders and companies still do their business in cryptocurrency, giving people opportunities to invest in this currency. For such types of people, a bitcoin ads campaign is necessary to target audiences interested to know more and invest in bitcoin. So,” Cloaking Ads” provides the opportunity for such people to run their crypto ads on all big platforms(Google, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok).


To know more details, contact us at


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