How to Run Cloaking Ads? Step-by-Step Guidelines

How to Run Cloaking Ads? Step-by-Step Guidelines

how to run cloaking ads, step by step

Let’s share an astonishing story with you.

Recently a survey was conducted to know different business person points of view about banned product advertisements. The answers were very surprising. Almost 69 per cent of people answered that although their products are on the banned list for promotion on all big social media platforms, they still want to advertise their products to gain more reach and potential customers. In this survey, most people were in favor of running Cloaking Ads.

This is because of the power of social media. People used to check their social media accounts regularly, and it is within reach of an ordinary person, so what another medium can be better than social media for advertising products?

But the issue is banned product Ads, and the solution is to run Cloaking Ads.


Cloaking: A Solution For The Advertisements of Banned Products

Let’s come to the solution to the problem of those 69 percent who want to run Ad campaigns for their banned products. And that solution is Cloaking.

Cloaking helps to double-cross the bots of Google, Facebook, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram and run your Ad campaign to a selected audience of your choice.

If you do not know about Cloaking, you must hire an expert to run your Cloaking Ads, but If you have some programming knowledge, SEO, and hands-on experience in running different software, then you can run Cloaking Ads by yourself.

In both conditions, you must be well aware of the basic steps of Cloaking to run Cloaking Ads so that you can choose the right agency for Cloaking or run properly by yourself in later condition.

How To Run Cloaking Ads: Step-by-Step Guidelines

Here is a summary of some basic steps to run Cloaking Advertisements on all social media platforms

Formation of Account

The first step is to form an account on all social media platforms, which you can use to run a Cloaking campaign. Here the tip for you is that the account should be old with different activities on a daily basis because new advertisements from the new account alert the bots. Three more important tips are

  • Never use your official account
  • In case of a banned account, always have a backup account.
  • If the account is new, maintain it through different activities before running Cloaking Ads.

SEO Audit

The second most important step to running a Cloaking advertisement is to do an SEO audit. So that you can select the area and targeted audience, the appearance of your Ads on an unconcerned audience wastes your budget and can also annoy the audience. As a result, they report your Ad and account, which is a massive loss for Cloaking Ads.

SEO audit helps to select proper keywords. Those words which people search most in a specific area and that are more related to your products are encouraged to use for Cloaking purposes.

Set Two Different Landing Pages

The third and most crucial step is to form two different landing pages, one for the actual users and the other for the scanners.

Here is a question: How do you identify the actual users and bots? This is done by programming where different filters are applied on the Ads click and websites.

Two methods To Filter Targeted Audience

The two most essential methods to differentiate between bots and the audience and filter the targeted audience are as under

IP Address

A black IP address list is maintained for the bots and unwanted users. If the IP address is from the blacklist, Cloaking software immediately identifies it and shows the fake page. If the IP address is of a real user, the programming at the back end is maintained to display the actual offer page after a click.

User-Agent Name

In this scenario, different user names are entered into a blocklist. So if a user from the blocklist clicks on the advertisement link, it will land on a deceiving page while the actual user names are on the offer page.

IP Address is more authentic to identify bots because sometimes crawlers change their usernames to catch Cloaking Ads. In such cases, the IP address blacklist works and shows a white page to the bots and prevents our Cloaking accounts from being identified.

Free Cloaking Tools

Above mentioned are basic steps to run Ads on all social media platforms ( Facebook, Google, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok etc.) by using Cloaking techniques.

If you have decided to run Ads for your banned products by yourself, then we have some special tools for your guidance that can help you in Cloaking to perform these tasks easily

  • Best Ads spy tools
  • Ad Plexity
  • PeerClick

But if you want to hire some expert who can do all these tasks for you on an affordable budget, then we recommend you to go for “Cloaking Ads.”

“Cloaking Ads”: An affordable Partner to Run Cloaking Ads

“Cloaking Ads” is an agency with experts in account formation, SEO audit, filtering out the targeted audience, and discriminating bots and audiences by their IPS. In short, we have skilled personnel to run Cloaking Ads from start to end to make your Ad campaign successful.

Hiring an expert Cloaking agency frees you from the headache of marketing by Cloaking.

Moreover, we have vast experience in the market, so we know the best strategies to run Cloaking campaigns for banned products in the best way.

We recommend you go with an agency for Cloaking your Ads and if you want the best one, then choose “Cloaking Ads ‘.

To know more about our packages and payment details, contact us.


Many Cloaking agencies work worldwide, and you can easily trace them on different freelancing platforms. But the question here is how to determine which agency is best and what its responsibilities are when hiring for your Ad campaign.

  • A good Cloaking agency is responsible for your Cloaking hosting, domain and accounts.
  • In case the bots ban the account, they should have backup accounts to save your time.
  • A good agency is responsible for SEO audits to target the right audience.
  • Approval of your Ads on all social media platforms platforms
  • Hide your IP link from spy tools and competitors as well, so they can not copy or steal your data.
  • A best Cloaking Ads agency restricts people from sharing your link because sharing the landing page link will increase your reach to unnecessary users, which will consume your budget without providing any benefit.









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