How to Create Link Cloaking? Sending Ad Reviewers to Cloaked Link Safe Page & All Ad Users to Black Offer Page
How to Create Link Cloaking ?
“Cloaking links.” These words must sound spam to you. But let us tell you that this is not a sinny word. Many people are using this process for legitimate businesses.
It is a procedure to hide your original identity and show a fake but legal and safe link to the user to promote your brand.
Different examples of which cloaked links are winning the game are
- Link cloaking for Ads (mostly restricted)
- Cloaking links for affiliate websites
- Shortening links
- To know the target audience who clicked on your link
Let’s discuss in detail all these examples.
Link Cloaking for Ads
Cloaking a link for this purpose is used by different businesses but mainly by those running a product which advertisement is banned on social media platforms, e.g., healthcare pills and weight loss products, Crypto Ads etc. For this purpose, many registered agencies are working, and many link cloaking online tools are also available.
Cloaking Links for Affiliate Websites
Affiliate website owners used the cloaking procedure because it is very easy for a hacker to remove your ID from a general link and enter any else. In this way, they can steal the commission. A cloaked link is a secure way for affiliate website owners because it can easily hide your identity. Read the full article to learn about how to cloak affiliate links and create cloaked links for Ad campaigns.
Shortening Links
Some links are very long with a user name that looks spam, especially in affiliate marketing scenarios. The only way to avoid this situation is also hidden in cloaked links. Any link cloaking website has more chances to get more clicks.
To Know Target Audience
Usually, cloaked links allow you to know the audience from which page and what number of people have clicked on your link. This is a perfect method to know your audience and clicks and to improve your SEO.A link cloaking website has more viewers because cloaked links help to filter out unnecessary audience.
How to Cloak Affiliate Links or Cloaked Links
Creating a cloaked link is a very technical process, and we can not explain it in words. But, let’s have a brief description for understanding. If you are looking for an easy way, then some link cloaking online tools can help you.
As WordPress is the most used platform, let’s discuss some free plug-ins to help create a link-cloaking website.
- Pretty link lite
- Easy affiliate links
- Genius link
- WP wizard cloak
- Easy affiliate links
- Links auto replacer
Following is the general guideline for using these plug-ins.
- Open your WordPress back end, click on plug-ins and install any above plug in.
- Activate the plug-in; now click on “Add new.”
- Enter the target link and select “307” in the redirection option.
- After that, another option will appear, which is most important: Follow, or No follow option.
- Here select the No Follow option because it can prevent you from the google crawlers.
- Now next important step is to click on the tracking option to track the audience who clicked your link.
- These tools also allow you to choose whether your link is sponsored or not.
Benefits of Cloaked Links
Some websites use this technique to improve their SEO; some are using it to promote a banned product. Some general benefits that you can get using the cloaking technique are as under
- You can betray the bots by sending them a fake page link and can quickly approve your banned Ad.
- You can improve your SEO by tracking your audience.
- You can save your commission in affiliate marketing by hiding your identity from hackers.
- You can create a short link that is easy to remember and share.
- Long links look spammy, and users refrain from clicking on them, which reduces your clicks. You can improve your clicks by creating a short and trustable link for users.
We have told you why cloaked links are necessary, what the procedure is to create a cloaked link, and the benefits of cloaked links for your website and business promotions.
But what if you can not create a self-made cloaked link by using a tool? No worries, we are revealing an agency that is highly compatible with you, whether you want a cloaked link for the advertisement of a banned product or affiliate marketing. That agency is “Cloaking Ads.”
Why Create Your Cloaked Links With “Cloaking Ads”?
This is the only agency with highly efficient cloakers from different areas of the world producing 400%+ ROI. Our primary focus is to produce positive ROI in the first month of your investment with us.
We are the only agency offering 100 percent safe and secure cloaking links for your brand promotional Ads. We do proper SEO research and fulfill all requirements to prevent the bot’s intelligence from approving your links for Ads and affiliate links. Our client’s reviews are open. You can explore our website to check the different packages and the reviews of our former clients to analyze the quality of our work.
Final Words
Cloaking links are significant to run your Ad campaign and affiliate marketing purposes. Many people are now adopting this technique for better SEO and increased ROAS. WordPress offers many free tools for link cloaking. Many agencies are also working for this purpose but finding the best agency within your budget is tricky.” Cloaking Ads” is the only agency with many international clients.
Cloaking links for a legitimate purpose is the motive of our agency. So contact us now for free consultations and further details.
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